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Prospecting a land assembly is time consuming and involves an extensive
research process to determine the planning risk, optimal design, and an economic review to ensure
the opportunity is feasible.
Only when Trolleybus feels confident that a land assembly is
viable and the benefits to the existing property owners are significant do we proceed to present the
Trolleybus specifically looks at opportunities where we can focus
intensification in already built-up areas, including urban growth centres, major transit station
areas, and intensification corridors. Specifically, we look for properties with the following
Within close proximity to transit or highway access
Close to key consumer amenities
Properties within communities that are undergoing rebirth and revitalization
Can support intensification and optimize the use of existing infrastructure
Ongoing: 1-2 months
Geographic & Demographic analysis
Initial feasibility (design and
economics of site)
Municipal planning risk analysis
Duration: 1-3 months
Trolleybus gauges interest and makes introduction to land
Present and review what land assembly is and the
opportunity / benefits derived
Negotiation and execution of agreements of purchase and
Duration: 2-3 months
Prepare comprehensive site plans and planning
Work with City Planning officials and Councilors to
determine appropriate Highest and Best Use
Conduct soil environmental and analysis to ensure
construction feasibility
Duration: 18-30 months
Manage the municipal entitlement process
Engage with community stakeholders
Project manage architectural and urban design control
Obtain zoning permission and required permits
Construction Duration: 18-48 months (Low-rise – High-rise)
Sales & Marketing for the newly entitled site
Construct and build out the project
Post-delivery inspections
Ongoing: 1-2 months
Geographic & Demographic analysis
Initial feasibility (design and economics of site)
Municipal planning risk analysis
Duration: 1-3 months
Trolleybus gauges interest and makes introduction to land
Present and review what land assembly is and the
opportunity/benefits derived
Negotiation and execution of agreements of purchase and sale
Duration: 2-3 months
Prepare comprehensive site plans and planning rationale
Work with City Planning officials and Councillors to determine
appropriate Highest and Best Use
Conduct soil environmental and analysis to ensure construction
Duration: 18-30 months
Manage the municipal entitlement process
Engage with community stakeholders
Project manage architectural and urban design control
Obtain zoning permission and required permits
Construction duration: 18-48 months (Low-rise – High-rise)
Sales & Marketing for the newly entitled site
Construct and build out the project
Post-delivery inspections
Discover property owners who have benefited from engaging with